Simple Python Program to let you know which Article( A/An) to append before a Word. This is a scalable program as it does not contain all the use cases/ special cases where An is used. Feel free to add those cases in the if block and share in the comments section.
a = input("Enter a word : ")
vowels = ['a','e','i','o']
excep = ['ho']
other = ['un','eu']
if a[0] in vowels:
print("AN will come before the word")
elif a[0] == "h" and a[1] == "o":
print("AN will come before the word")
elif a[0] == "u" and a[1] == "n":
print("A will come before the word")
elif a[0] == "u":
print("An will come before the word")
print("A will come before the word")